Tolbert Financial Group
Finances can be the most personal information you share. With our group we recognize your financial situation is entirely unique and requires a personalized strategic plan. Developing an investment strategy involves careful consideration of your financial goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, and market conditions. These attributes, in addition to personal, familial, and professional circumstances, all play an important role in how we design and maintain our plans. Our compensation model allows for your goals and our goals to be in alignment. It is this belief system that has paved the way for us to retain clients, some for multiple decades.
Investment & Tax Philosophy
Investment and tax strategy go hand in hand when it comes to building and preserving wealth. Effective planning in both areas can help you maximize your returns and minimize your tax liabilities. We believe certain strategies stand the test of time. Simply, allocating your money to different asset categories can help decrease your risk and increase your return. With such differences in tax rate, between dividends and interest income, it can be much more beneficial to allocate investments based on tax efficiency as well. Our cash flow analysis software helps to evaluate the best time to retire based on your particular income and tax needs. With creative strategies and a tailored plan, we’ve assisted our clients in achieving their goals.